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The SafeWord

In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth… and the spirit of God was hovering over the face of the waters. Then God said… Gen 1:1-3

No office of ministry should be devoid of the word. For creation or demonstration of divine power to take place we need the Spirit of God and the word of God. The word comes first and is of paramount importance in every ministerial office.” Beware of evangelists and prophets who say little of the word and focus much of their ministry on demonstration of power and personal prophecies. Both of this are essential in ministry but they should be guided by both the Spirit and the word. Be grounded in the word and try by all means to stick to your area of expertise/calling.

The major crisis that we are faced with in Christendom especially in Africa is Christian leaders who misinterpret and misuse the word of God. A distorted view of the “Apostolic-Prophetic movement” phenomenon that has grappled our society. We have human beings that are now acting as High priests in their churches. THIS IS SO OLD TESTAMENT! These “superstar” pastors portray themselves as sole custodians of access codes to the Holy of Holies. THIS IS NOT SO IN THE WORD! They do so by making people believe that they are God’s solution to people’s problems. They allow people to bow down to them. They allow congregants to sing songs of praise to them during church services.

Let us stick to the word and we will not be lost.

Good day.

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