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Nkosana Mupeta

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A Land of Lavender Fields and Fire

Have you ever traveled towards sweet and fresh lavender fields?
Seeing a glimpse of the marvelous landscape a distance away.
Almost sensing the sweetness that will fill the air.
Have you ever been to a land too good to be true?
Ohhh, A cool yet to come breeze caresses my cheeks.

In the midst of smoldering heat are trudge on towards the Promised Land, my own sweat threatening to drown me.
We are at war.
The vision stands.
I will not give up.
Though flames lick every corner of my motherland I will keep on going, my groans will not be silenced.
We are at war.
The promise stands.
Let’s not give up.

Have you ever been in smoldering heat?
Travelling in the most serene coolness,
As the masses burn.
Have you ever come across a land
Where Hope and Foe live beyond the smoldering heat?
Foe having been helped up there by the masses,
Hope, relentlessly, climbing up there for the masses.

Sensing fiery emotions about to explode.
Sensing flowers about to bloom.

The heavens opened in front of me.
You could not even smell a whiff of smoke on Those with white hair in the spirit.
We pulled the masses to safety.
The old and the young groaning under burdens. Fire raging from and to the border line.
Ohhhh! The weak, the tired, the old trying to squash under the shadow of a leaf.
Ohhhh! The fire covering my precious motherland.

A vision of lavender fields afar off yet so near.
Have you ever travelled there?
Where lavender almost caresses your fingers as you walk the purple fields.
Every corner of my motherland covered in fineness.


Sweat flows,
Armpits are sticky,
I pant heavily.

I lost my diamond earrings around the last bend.
My gold watch vanished a couple of laps ago.
My womb no longer has strength to produce.
My clothes and shoes are worn out…
And baggy… looks like I have lost weight.

I’m now tired. I need to walk in the shade!
I have sprinted in this marathon for too long.

Nkosana Mupeta

(c) 2014

I Dismount From My Rest


Why do others decide to stay at the bottom
While others climb up the ladder? 
I need to get out of this place.
Got to leave now
Or die now.
Why am I in siren lack 
But a lake of all surrounds me?
Why are others rich
But others can’t reach?
Reach richness?

Are your feet fast enough shaz?
If not I’m off alone.
Got to leave now
Or die now.
I’ve got not
Not even a note
Just got a naught.
Why do others have all
And I’m hungry?

“You won’t be restful
Until you are restless”, they said
I’m restless enough!
I going to make my without rest world into a restless world
Until I’m at rest. 
Got to leave now
Or die now.

Got to leave now
Or die now.
Why do others live
While others survive?

ot to leave now
Or die now.
Why do others have gold
While others get bronze?
“A mine of death is the gold mine” they said 
I won’t die for money,
I won’t kill for money
Made by others.
But to be in a mine of honey
Where I make mine.
I don’t really need linen and silk
But to be where milk is.
I can make money from there.

Others, right foot on the bottom step
The other firmly on the ground
Both hands securing the ladder on the wall 
Awaiting payment for a job well done
While others left foot on the middle step
The other going for a level higher
Right hand reaching for the top step
The other securing balance
Dropping a few coins of appreciation?

Nkosana Mupeta (05/08/09)

Nkosana Mupeta


Nkosana Mupeta




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